Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Beginnings

Okay, I just want to tell you that I had a most incredible weekend.

As you may already know, our Student Ministry teamed up with two of our ADV sister churches (Church of the Word and St. Paul's) for a winter retreat at Massanetta Springs. Julian Dobbs spoke on "Getting connected with God" while I was given the privilege of leading worship for the weekend. The general consensus among the leaders was that it was the best retreat we've had in years. This post will be a testimony of what happened there and won't have much to do with Lent. I just think this is really important.

The reason it was great was that the Holy Spirit came and ministered in power throughout the weekend, especially on Saturday night. Julian gave a powerful teaching about being connected with the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to work in our lives. Then we moved into an extended time of worship and prayer ministry, something which has been conspicuously absent from our student ministry for many years. Needless to say, the outpouring was tremendous. As I played, I saw lives being changed right before my eyes. Many of our students received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and those who had already received it were given a greater portion. The floor was littered with students as they fell under the anointing. After a couple hours (I think. I actually have no idea how long it was), we wrapped up the music and I went forward to get my portion and promptly get knocked down under the weight of glory. ;-)

To illustrate the global change, on Friday night I noticed only one or two hands raised during worship, but by Sunday morning more than three quarters of the students felt free to do so. What an amazing victory! I am so proud of our students and I love each one of them to death. I have been praying for this for so long and am downright thrilled to actually see the results. I pray that our students will continue to grow in this anointing and never forgot what God did on this retreat. I praise God for giving them the boldness to step out and allow Him to work in them with such abandon. Thank You, thank You, thank You, Lord. You're awesome!

And, to top it all off, this all happened on my birthday. Plus, it was my final send-off before going away to Toronto for Ministry School. I honestly cannot think of a better birthday/going away present.

Next time, I'll posting from Toronto . So stay tuned, same bat-time, same bat-channel . . .


Recovering Sociopath said...

Happy birthday!

And WOW. That retreat sounds amazing-- just amazing.

tyler said...

Chris, so good to hear that God blessed the weekend: the implied --held back the ice, traveling safety, great fun together; and the explicit --students hearing and opening to God and drawing near as he initiated, and desiring to respond to Him in worship.

Lent, I think, has an aspect of chosen foregoing of things to pay attention to certain things, but as we move together towards Jerusalem, towards the cross, there are celebrations of the arrival of the king and even now resurrection ...

the retreat is very much in keeping with this