Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Pruning Season

It started on Wednesday. Yes, Lent also started, but for me, it was a pruning season that started on Wednesday. Each day, a part of me, like a dry withered branch, has been cut open and exposed. Oh, how it hurts and aches. I become desperate, helpless… and must turn to Him.

My prayer: “Reveal to me truth.” He reveals… and then He heals.

I thought that I was giving up sweets for Lent, but what He is really asking me to do is to give up my dependence on myself for Lent and to need and depend only on Him.

1 comment:

Recovering Sociopath said...

I am right there with you. My brokenness and need for grace never hurt so much as when they are exposed to me, but it's at that moment that grace moves in.