Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Joy of God's Presence

Psalm 101, 109:1-4 (5-19) 20-30; Psalm 119:121-144; Jeremiah 18:1-11; Romans 8:1-11; John 6:16-27

In yesterday's post, Sherri wrote of the need to "practice the presence of God" not just daily, but on a moment by moment basis, like breathing. For the most part, that practice requires a shift in mindset, not an increase in time. Mostly. It is true that we can pray and worship and rest in God's presence while we are doing chores, or driving, or making dinner, or digging ditches. However, it is much harder to talk to God, much less listen to him, while we are on a conference call, editing a manuscript, helping children with homework, meeting a client, or comforting a screaming baby (though this latter situation is the one in which I find myself praying the simplest of prayers, "Help!")

It is useful to have a moment-by-moment prayer life; one that can be practiced throughout the day, but it is also necessary to spend longer stretches of time with God. In order to find, and live out, the Joy of the Lord, we have to spend time allowing Him to speak with us, through prayer, and the scripture, and other people. This does take time.

Nowen says: "I can understand Jesus' words: "How hard is it for the rich to enter the kingdom of God." Money and success are not the problem; the problem is the absence of free, open time when God can be encountered in the present and life can be lifted up in its simple beauty and goodness."

I think he is right, up to a point. We have to make space for God in our lives. This is especially hard for those of us (not me) who are more extroverted and like a lot of things going on at once. We have a tendency to fill up any empty space, and life today makes that easy. There is always a computer to look at, a phone call to make, a tv show to watch. For introverts, space is a bit easier to come by, internally. Nevertheless, we are all under the "busy" pressure, especially in this area, and we all need to deliberately create the time and space for God.

How do you create space for God in your life?

What makes you joyful?


Unknown said...

When I first bent the knee to Christ I spent many hours working at McDonalds on solitary duties. My prayer life has never been better. I know that one meaning for praying without ceasing. Since then I have not duplicated that quality time with God. It is much harder to maintain that off-hook hotline with God when your mind time is taxed to the max as it was for me in college (while studying anyway :-) and in intellectually demanding jobs since. My best plan has been to make and keep an appointment with Him daily. And anyone who succeeds at that discipline has my respect and admiration. It's a bare minimum requirement but by no means sufficient. 

Unknown said...

Creating space for God for me starts with a routine that helps me get to remembering God in all moments. I've used different techniques depending on what works. At times it has been the practice of morning and evening prayer. At other times the making space has been being dilligent about thanking God for human creativity that created the car or jet that just jolted me out of sleep. At other times thanking God as I go through doors has opened the space for more space for God and more joy.