Thursday, March 24, 2011

Complete Joy

Psalm 70, 71; Psalm 74;
Jeremiah 4:9-10, 19-28
Romans 2:12-24; John 5:1-18

Scripture promises God's joy will be in us and that our joy will be complete. On occasion, God gives holy laughter to his church to the consternation of some and the excitement of others. While some feel real joy, others feel pressure to show joy when it just isn't what they're feeling. We end up with a false command to 'just be happy' (warning: if you're fasting from the 'allel...' word stop this film when the angels show up) and a communication of joy that rings hollow to those who are presently experiencing anguish closer to what God and Jeremiah are feeling in today's reading.

But, we know true joy when we experience it. We're made to long for real joy and it can be ours.

How do you explain Christian joy?
What books/movies... would you point someone to who is looking for joy?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ashley Null's Real Joy: Freedom to be your best and Mike Mason's Champagne for the Soul: Celebrating God's gift of Joy are both books that have helped me understand joy.